Finding a Quality Third Party Logistics Company

Finding a quality third party logistics company

Searching for a quality third party logistics company can be time-consuming and challenging. However, if you are a shipper then it’s something that you should absolutely do. Even if you have your own fleet of trucks, it’s always good to have a backup that can take care of the surprise situations. Additionally, partnering with a 3PL that offers quality logistics makes a huge difference compared to partnering with a random 3PL. A Quality 3PL is going to be there for you. They are going to offer the best tools, and save you money in the long run.

A Third Party Logistics Company That Will Be There For You.

The first benefit of partnering with a quality third party logistics company is that they are going to be there for you when you need them. When you have a carrier drop-off or need a part shipped ASAP it’s good to have a quality 3PL in your corner. A company that has the kind of flexibility and open communication around the clock.

Quality logistics need to be offered at all times, every day, at the shipper’s convenience. Otherwise, you’re just shipping the loads that are convenient to you.


Offering the Best Tools for Quality Logistics

When you partner with a quality third party logistics company you gain access to the best processes, the most up-to-date technology, and the best carriers. Each one of these plays a huge impact on your shipping.

Technology in the field of shipping and logistics is constantly growing. If you are managing your own shipping then you are probably not using the best that is out there. Tracking and tracing, TMS’s, and APIs all take time, money, and expertise to set up. The 3PL you partner with should have these already in place, it is vital to offering a quality logistics service.

Processes and procedures cannot just be learned overnight. These are best practices that are learned over time by handling shipment after shipment. One thing to note is that procedures may vary widely across industries, so a 3PL that ships well in one industry may not be the best for you.

A strong and diverse carrier base is essential to a third party logistics company. A strong carrier base is what allows a 3PL to be flexible. Additionally, it allows them to offer services that you cannot get on your own. These relationships are built over years and are vital to providing quality logistics.

Saving Money In The Long Run With Your Third Party Logistics Company

At this point, you may be thinking, “Why doesn’t every shipper just go with a quality 3PL?” Well, the issue is typically cost-related. A quality third party logistics company is typically going to cost more up-front but over time you will actually save money.

Cost savings come through finding more efficient opportunities, time spent focusing on your business rather than shipping, and less lost and damaged freight. So, by focusing on quality over price, you end up saving more money in the long run.

At Becker Logistics, we focus on quality over logistics first and last. We aim to make sure we are providing the best service and make shipping simple for each of our partners. If you want to see if we are the right fit for you, reach out and contact us or request a freight quote.

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