Starting and Building a Career in Logistics Sales

A career in logistics sales is full of opportunity, transformation, and sometimes mayhem.  Communication is key to succeed in logistics operations, the job is full of communicating back and forth internally, with shippers, and with carriers.  It is vital that you can communicate effectively to work within the industry. Additionally, having integrity and honesty are extremely important, the best logistics companies to work for do not want people looking to make a quick buck and ruin potential relationships. Lastly, it is always important to be proactive and get out ahead of problems so that you can provide solutions before things go south.

Luckily, all of the skills that are important to having a successful career in logistics sales can be learned, even communication.  There are several majors to pursue if you wish to work in logistics, some of the most beneficial ones being: communication, supply chain, logistics, and sales.  Each one of these majors will give you a foundation to work with and excel. Additionally, when first applying to companies and especially before your first interview it is good to have some industry background and knowledge of the company that you are applying to.

Career in logistics sales

Identifying the Best Logistics Company to Look For

There are plenty of logistics companies out there so how can you determine that the best one to work for is? The biggest thing to look for in any company is the company’s culture, which can be hard to gauge at first but should become clearer as you go through the interview process. You should be asking the interviewer plenty of questions and getting a feel of the atmosphere when you go in.  Another big factor that will affect your career in logistics sales is how your performance is measured. This one can vary wildly depending on the company. Some will have very strict numbers they expect you to hit and others are fine as long as your customer stays with the company.  Lastly, finding out your workload and duties is extremely important, if you have a very set career in logistics sales determined then you want to make sure it aligns with what you will be doing at your new career.

The biggest factor when searching for a company is to find one that fits you.  There are a lot of companies out there and they all have different cultures, performance measures, and expectations.  The most important thing is to find the one that is best for you.

Advancing your Career in Logistics Sales

There are numerous paths you can take on your career in logistics sales.  The paths vary from company to company but at the very least you can advance up vertically from a junior account manager type position to a senior account manager.  However, the best logistics companies to work for will offer much more freedom to move around and try new things.  Advancing your career in logistics sales is not very different from advancing in any job, you want to meet or exceed your targets, work hard, and be personable.

If you are interested in starting a career in logistics sales or operations then check out our job openings!  It is our goal to be the best logistics company to work for and to provide benefits and opportunities to all of our partners.

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